We are netLabs!UG, We Research Create Build Develop Solutions
netLabs!UG is a research Centre of Excellence (CoE) in telecommunications and networking technologies who had its origins in the Community Wireless Resource Centre (CWRC), Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, College of Engineering, Design, Art and Technology (CEDAT) at Makerere University. Based in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, CEDAT, Makerere Univeristy, netLabs!UG is an alternative Research and Development (R&D) model which will strive to achieve a balanced critical mass of basic research, applied research and commercialisation.
Our Mission
“To be a regional Centre of Excellence (CoE) in the area of telecommunications and networking technologies, ensuring an independent source of advice for government policy as well as an independent source of research, development and solutions support to telecommunication companies and enterprises in Uganda and the region”.
Our Vision
“To be a regional leader in collaborative research, development and solutions on innovative telecommunication and networking technologies, strengthening the Ugandan and regional technological economy.”
Who We Are
Research Centre of Excellence (CoE) in telecommunications and networking technologies
As the world of technology enters the next transformative stage with the Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI) and a new Internet based on elastic network to complement the elastic compute that already exists, it is essential that Uganda maintains an R&D centre that supports academic development and assists commercial interests.
Innovation is core to the research activities of netLabs!UG and as the CoE, this is key in our research process. Research funding programmes should emphasise innovation as well as research and as such netLabs!UG is happy to support this two strand approach to put Uganda and East Africa at the centre of development and innovation in this very important sector. Commercialisation of these innovations as well as commercial research support of local telecommunications and networking business that enhance their solutions, drive efficiencies and ultimately benefit the local economy is an essential output of netLabs!UG.

Frank Semakula

Nekemeya Edward Seremba

Dorothy Okello
Gorret Namulondo

Wayne Steven Okello

Alexander Muhangi
Meet Our Team
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." -Margaret Mead
netLabs!UG strives to develop a staff profile mixing traditional postdoctoral researchers, graduate research assistants and undergraduate students with engineers and technologists with good design and development experience from industry to create a balanced team able to perform professionally on funded projects.
netLabs!UG has been evolving since 2006 as the Community Wireless Resource Center (CWRC) looking at using wireless links to spread Internet in communities and share the costs of internet access within those communities. netlabs!UG is also looking at other forms of technologies to support high speed connectivity hence the evolution from CWRC to netLabs.
We have had several brilliant projects from students kept away after completion of their studies. netlabs!UG seeks to carry out incubation development where some of these excellent and brillant ideas can be put into development and these students can see their projects come to reality through commercialization processes and business development but most importantly, to have spin off companies from our research ideas.